Blog posts

July 27, 2024
What it's Like to Date a Securely Attached Partner

 [6 Minute Read] Dating can be a rollercoaster of emotions, but when you find yourself with a securely attached partner, the ride settles into something so much smoother and more...

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Creating Your Sanctum: Setting Up a Space for Meditation, Healing, or Journaling

 [5 Minute Read] In the hustle and bustle of modern life, finding moments of peace and introspection is essential for maintaining balance and well-being. One powerful way to cultivate inner...

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Who can benefit from Shadow Work?

If you're brand new to shadow work, read this blog first! [5 Minute Read] In the journey of self-discovery and personal growth, there exists a realm often overlooked but profoundly...

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5 Practical Mindfulness Exercises

[3 Minute Read] Mindfulness is a mental state characterized by being fully present and engaged in the current moment without judgment. It involves paying attention to your thoughts and feelings...

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Negging: Recognizing It and What to Do

[6 Minute Read] So, you just started dating someone, and they seem pretty great! Things are going well when, one day, they start to make little…Comments. “Are you sure you...

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5 Free Shadow Work Prompts + Tips

If you're brand new to shadow work, read this blog first! [6 Minute Read] The practice of “shadow work” has been increasing in popularity across psychotherapy and spirituality in the...

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Do you think in Black and White?

[5 Minute Read] In the intricate tapestry of human cognition, the tendency to engage in black and white thinking can significantly influence our ability to navigate challenges and handle stress....

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Tired of Healing? Emotional burnout on the inner work journey

[7 Minute Read] More and more people are recognizing the importance of self-reflection, personal growth, and emotional healing, yet some individuals find themselves stressed out by everlasting inner work, caught...

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Embracing the Power of "No" (and Overcoming the Guilt)

[7 Minute Read] In a world that values busyness, constant productivity, and a "can-do" attitude, the word "no" can fill us with panic and dread. When we DO manage to...

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